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Tel:  +44  1482  325700     Fax: +44  1482  326601     Fax: +44  1482  326602     Telex: 597226


Our technical management service is designed to provide your fleet with everything it needs for a successful operation.

Our services comprise supply of spare parts for main and auxiliary engines, repairs and fittings, servicing of navigation and radio equipment, supply of general stores and many others.

North Marine Ltd's senior staff have over 25 years engineering experience in the field of technical management. We are dedicated to look after your vessels and keep them running without failure at very reasonable costs.

Spare Parts Supplies

Our company can supply replacement components for virtually every piece of equipment found on a vessel. The great majority of our work involves main and auxiliary engines, purifiers, compressors and generators.

For more information, please visit our Spare Parts page (click on the picture above), or e-mail us with your particular requirements.

Repairs & Servicing

North Marine Ltd provides comprehensive repair and servicing solutions for engines, turbochargers, electrical motors, navigation and electronic equipment, hull and dry-dock work etc. In emergency, we can provide a qualified engineer on board almost anywhere in the world, ensuring that all work is completed quickly and to high standards.

Crew Recruitment

We can provide your fleet with qualified and experienced crew, through our large database of sea personnel.

General Stores

In the past our company has supplied over 150 vessels of different nationalities with general stores in various ports throughout the world, from a network of suppliers who can provide the best value, reliability and speed of delivery.